EnCaViBS featured in the Cybersecurity Awareness Calendar

EnCaViBS is featured in the Cybersecurity Awareness Calendar of the European Cybersecurity Organsation (ECSO) as part of the August 2021 Cybersecurity Summer School. Each month, the Awareness Calendar features a key aspect of cybersecurity and showcases ECSO members’ and partners’ solutions and services in the relevant areas to potential users. Since summer is the ideal … Continued

Commission Proposal for an Artificial Intelligence Act

On 21 April 2021, the European Commission published a Proposal for a Regulation laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence and amending certain Union legislative acts (COM/2021/206 final). Considering that the same elements and techniques that power the socio-economic benefits of AI can also bring about new risks or negative consequences for individuals or the … Continued

Cybersecurity Breakfast #48 with Stefan Schiffner

Cybersecurity Luxembourg regularly organises “Cybersecurity Breakfasts”. The breakfast #48 headed Can we use the CyberSecurity Act (CSA) to improve the current information security baseline? features a roundtable discussion where Stefan will present our research. Date: 22 July 2021 Time: 8:45 a.m. Location: virtual For more information and registration see: https://breakfast.cybersecurity-luxembourg.com/csb48

Paper Accepted at DSRI Herbstakademie 2021

Our paper “Ein Schritt vor, zwei Schritte zurück – Rechtliche und technische Implikationen einer verpflichtenden Zugriffsmöglichkeit auf verschlüsselte Daten” (“One step forward, two steps backward – legal and technical implications of a compulsory access to encrypted data”) has been accepted for the 22nd annual conference of the German trust for law and informatics. We critically … Continued