Paper Accepted at DSRI Herbstakademie 2021

Our paper “Ein Schritt vor, zwei Schritte zurück – Rechtliche und technische Implikationen einer verpflichtenden Zugriffsmöglichkeit auf verschlüsselte Daten” (“One step forward, two steps backward – legal and technical implications of a compulsory access to encrypted data”) has been accepted for the 22nd annual conference of the German trust for law and informatics. We critically … Continued

16th IFIP Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management

The EnCaViBS team hosts the 16th IFIP Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management in Belval. The school is interactive in character: the aim is to encourage young academic and industry entrants to the privacy and identity management world to share their own ideas, build up a network, test presentation skills, and potentially publish a … Continued