National Cybersecurity Strategies in the EU: Overview

National cybersecurity strategies emerged in Europe mainly after the 2007 cyberattack campaign against Estonia and the Commission Communication ‘Digital Agenda for Europe’, a flagship initiative under the Europe 2020 Strategy. In 2007, coordinated cyber attacks were launched against Estonian government agencies, banks, and media and telecommunications companies. In the follow-up of these events, Estonia became … Continued

NIS Directive Commentary Update: Article 6 Significant Disruptive Effect

The EnCaViBS project team continues to update the commentary to the NIS Directive with a comment on Article 6 NIS Directive. Article 6 NIS Directive concerns the factors to be taken into account when determining the significance of a disruptive effect as referred to in Article 5(2)(c) NIS Directive. The comment outlines the cross-sectoral and sector-specific … Continued

Commentary to the NIS Directive – Update

One of the main deliverables of the EnCaViBS project is a living commentary to the NIS Directive. A legal commentary can be a useful resource for providing current information on specific legislation. Legal commentaries usually refer to legal practice, and help to form structures and to define principles in individual areas of law. The main … Continued

New Publication: EDPB Adopts updated Guidelines on Personal Data Breach Notification under GDPR: The End of the One-Stop-Shop Reporting Mechanism for Non-EU Establishments

The NIS Directive introduced the reporting of security incidents for operators of essential services and some digital service providers. Likewise, the General Data Protection Regulation introduced the requirement for a personal data breach to be notified to the competent national supervisory authority and, in certain cases, to communicate the breach to the individuals whose personal … Continued