CPDP 2022 in Review

Following a virtual event in 2021, this year’s CPDP returned to a hybrid mode with more than 400 international speakers from academia, public and private sectors and civil society. The stellar opening event on Sunday, 22 May 2022, saw inter alia activist and security specialist Chelsea Manning speak about the urgency of private and secure communications followed by a discussion on the surveillance challenges of tomorrow. One of the key topics of the main event with its +80 panels was the Proposal for an AI Act, with 15 panels focussing on the Proposal and addressing questions such as the interplay and potential overlap with the GDPR.

CPDP again proved to be the forum where – in an atmosphere of mutual respect – different stakeholders including industry representatives of the very large commercial online platforms such as inter alia Google and Meta discuss privacy and data protection issues.

Since privacy and data protection depend on secure infrastructure, the EnCaViBS team was host to a panel on incident reporting addressing the organisational and legel requirements for a single entry point for all notifications required under the NIS Directive and other Union law incl. the GDPR and ePrivacy Directive as proposed under the NIS 2.0 Proposal. For our discussion round, we welcomed:

  • Pascal Steichen , CEO, SECURITYMADEIN.LU, Chairman Governing Board of the European Cybersecurity Competence Centre (ECCC) (L)
  • Corinna Schulze, Director, EU Government Relations, SAP (DE) 
  • Florian Pennings, EU Cybersecurity Policy Manager, Microsoft (BE)
  • Dennis-Kenji Kipker, Professor for IT Security Law, Hochschule Bremen (DE), Scientific Director Institut für Informations-, Gesundheits- und Medizinrecht (IGMR), Universität Bremen (DE)

For those who have missed the EnCaViBS CPDP panel or just want to follow our discussion once more, a recording is available:

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